Bookseller Catalogs

October 2014 - Colonial Americana, etc.

By Yesterday's Muse, Inc.

October 2014 - Colonial Americana, etc. Over 100 colonial American history items, plus about 50 other titles, including several on witchcraft.

How to request a print version: Please contact us directly to request a print copy.

100 Medical Items

By Yesterday's Muse, Inc.

100 Medical Items A collection of medical history, domestic & popular medicine, and medical biography.

How to request a print version: Please contact us directly to request a print copy.

Poetry of Protest and Power

By Bolerium Books Inc.

Poetry of Protest and Power A century of politically committed poetry from the African Diaspora in the West, ranging from calls for equality and civil rights to the Black power movement and Afrocentrism.

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